東北森林科学会会長:猪内 正雄(岩手大学農学部)
In celebration of the first publication of the Tohoku Journal of Forest Science
President of the Society: Masao Shishiuchi (Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University)
(Dec, 1996)
In recent years extensive discussions were held among members as to how the level of scientific activity in the Tohoku branch of the Japanese Forestry Society could be improved. As a consequence, it was decided in April of 1996 to re-organize into a new independent body, "The Tohoku Society of Forest Science". The objective behind this re-organization is that through greater activity in the development of forest science adapted to Tohoku's cool-temperate climate, we can raise the standard of living of those engaged in forestry activities in this area, all the while protecting its valuable environmental assets.
Worldwide, forestry is now recognized as a valuable source of timber and non-timber benefits for society, thus presenting us with a challenging and vibrant future as we stand on the threshold of a new century. There is no better example of this multiple-use than in world’s temperature zone forest, which account for about 20% of the total forest area and of which almost all are to be found in developed countries. The Tohoku Society of Forest Science hopes to foster and encourage the expansion of research into the forests and forestry of the Tohoku region through cooperation with researchers from a wide range of scientific fields and through the development of forest treatment techniques suited to this unique area of Japan. The results of this work will also, we believe, be of benefit to the treatment and management of cool-temperate forests throughout the world.
This Journal should offer a good forum for the presentation of research findings by the Society's members and will also, we hope, serve as a reference source for all foresters engaged in the management of forest resources in cool-temperate areas.